Those that are inactive got there by choice. Im betting their choice is to STAY that way.
10 min: talk by elder.
"help at the right time" highlight that the special effort being made to assist those who are inactivate reflects jehovahs loving concern for his people.. .
help at the right time.
Those that are inactive got there by choice. Im betting their choice is to STAY that way.
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
It all just boils down to: if you think we should pay the black folks cuz their ancestors were slaves, vote yes. For reparations.
If you don't think we should pay the black people: vote no.
I think most people will vote no cuz their families did NOT make people slaves.
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
No.. I just posted it under the wrong heading. An honest, imperfect, human mistake.
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
You say new white whine. What's whiny about it? Cuz I'm challenging the new political correctness? It seems as if YOU are whining, because you don't want the white people to have the same rights as you do. That's not fair. Everyone has the right to whine. It's okay for you to whine about other people not having the same rights as whites..but when white people whine we're struck out? Doesn't seem fair.
are you a lover or a hater? or
it's pretty good.. if a little salty.
this country was barely populated when slaves were brought from africa.
are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants?
Reparations. For what? This country was barely populated when slaves were brought from Africa. Are you going to hunt down every descendant of slaves, many of whom took on the names of their owners families and have thousands upon thousands of descendants? Are you going to pay each of them $1, which would probably be the case if you sued the families that were responsible for owning slaves?
My family didnt own slaves. My Mothers family came from Sweden after the Civil War and they fought hard to have their homestead on the hard, cold prairie. They worked the land themselves, sometimes fighting blistering snowstorms to stay alive. My Fathers family came here in 1950 from Greece. They were given asylum because the Nazis destroyed their farm.
It wasnt easy for ANY of our ancestors. Should we get reparations? For how hard it was? Just because African Americans were BROUGHT here, it wasnt the fault of our modern Society. Thats just how it was back then. We righted ourselves by fighting the Civil War. Does anybody think how it was for a Mother to lose her children to a battle fighting for the rights of someone she considered less than an equal? What they fought for.. what they all believed in.. was the right for all men to be equal. No shame can be found in that.
Bound on those rights, is Society as we see it today. How can African Americans ask for reparation when their lot has become better? Based on the history of civil rights, their lot is way better/ Through the deaths of many people that believed in equal rights as Abe Lincoln expressed it, or as Martin Luther King expressed it, their lot in life is better.. and things are so much more equal. How can people classify themselves as African Americans when they werent BORN in Africa, nor do they have a contact with Africa. They are Americans, cuz they were born here. They continue to SEGREGATE themselves by calling themselves other than American. How can they expect to progress if they keep bringing attention to their differences? They keep saying that America has to pay attention to their differences, celebrate those differences, yet they keep asking America to integrate with them. You either want one or the other. Its okay if you want black colleges, black channels BET, black Ms. America pageants.. but then dont turn around and ask people to IGNORE their caucasion differences, and get upset cuz people want to have Ms. White America pageants, white only clubs, things like that.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Do you know how UPSET the NAACP would be if white people formed a union and had a Ms. White USA? How upset people would be if someone formed a WHITE ONLY channel? Well, think about it like that.
Were all Americans, those of us that were born here. I like the fact that some of us continue to bring our traditions and cultures to the fore, but for the most part.. we are AMERICANS.. and we are all the same.. and we all are lucky to live here and we should be proud.. and should be become one.. AMERICANS.
my last therapy session was all about the "truth".
after many sessions i finally brought up the thought that maybe some of my depression and low self-esteem issues have to do with spending 40 years in a high-control religion.. i won't bore you with all the details but some of the highlights of what i said bothers me are:.
my never feeling like i am doing enough or are good enough.. having regrets about missed opportunities and having let others control my life.. constant changing of doctrine and dates.
Far North:
I was very touched by your post. You seem to be such an ernest and sincere one searching for the truth of what happened. The thing is, friend, you are just human and you made the mistake of being duped by fellow humans. Lots of people make that mistake. Every day people are duped by religions, scam artists, corporations. It's the human condition. Everyone makes mistakes to learn from them. Go easy on yourself, buddy! Perfection is abusive to the human soul!
You didn't "miss" anything that we didn't! Each person has his/her own time to open their eyes, and yours was just later coming. You're not stupid or worthless... you are an imperfect human whose eyes were covered over until it was time to see the light! There's nothing mystical about that. Each individual will see the dupe when they are ready to accept it. The human mind is wonderfully equipped for only dishing out what the physical body can handle!
The prodigal son was a wonderful story for your therapist to relay to you. If you have children, you know that you love them no matter what they do (if unconditional love is the basis for the story). There is nothing that you have to do for God to love you, despite the JW mindset of "works=proof of love of God". We are so mired in the thought that we have to "do" something for God to love us, and this is completely untrue. <People.. this is my humble opinion.> He sent his son, in all his pain and suffering, to make for us the New Covenant which exempted us from LAWS... simply saying that you accept him as your Savior will suffice. The more you come to know and love the real Jesus, the more you will want to walk in his ways. At least that is my personal experience. He was such a phenomenal person. He accepts you as you are. In all your imperfect glory.
Whether you choose that path, or whether you choose another, my thoughts and prayers are with you. You seem to have a sincere and questioning heart, and that is all that God asks. Jesus accepted the sick, the poor, the outcasts of society... as long as they quested for Truth.
i recently talked to an old friend of mine that i grew up with.
it had been several years since talking to him, and we talked a lot about the people that we both knew in the same hall.
listening to him, made me sad to a degree, for i feel that so many have lost out on a "real life.".
And some know the faults of the Society, yet they don't leave because they are old and that *is* their life.
when studying the various books we have over the years about revelation, i always liked the part about the "unclean and hated bird" (especially when i was a kid).. i always wondered what type of bird it was referring to.
what birds do i really hate?
i'm not sure i hate any but i certainly don't like pigeons.
It must be parrots.
I hate my parrots today. I am in a bad mood cuz they made a big mess in the dining room. The little one is screeching and the bigger one let herself out of her cage and chewed on the door frame. She also keeps making the sound of the smoke detector. I am PMS. Parrot soup this afternoon! That must be the unclean birds. Parrots.
i'm a deskside support guy working for a service company, at one of their contracts.
i enjoy fixing things, although some of the customers could use a good knock on the skull sometimes.. i make pretty decent money for what i am doing.. for me, it's what i've wanted to do my whole life.
i had a computer from the time i was born, and love it since then.. what do you guys do to bring home the bacon?.
P.S. Does anyone need a job programming? My husband is looking for a good VB database programmer for computer litigation support, Fed contracts. Upon finding the right candidate, he can come home earlier. =)